The course also supports you with resources and project files: 3d Models, Textures, PSD files (Photoshop), and much more. Every technique covered in this course is backed by 10+ years of experience in the 3d Visualization/Production Industry, and popular Books Published on these key subjects. The Project Files, Full HD Videos, 3d Models, Textures, PS files, and much more are available for All Lectures. Personal Technical Support will be provided to All users enrolled in this course. Post-production best practices and advance techniques. Rendering Parameters and Unrivalled settings for post-production. Procedural Texturing - Creating and tweaking procedural materials realistically.
Shading and optimal parameters for Photorealism. Get access to industry-standard award-winning technology and dive. he ultimate 3D rendering and simulation toolset.
Fine-tuning Lights and the Renders of Interior and Exterior scenes V-Ray Education (Student) - Subscription.
Lighting & Rendering of an Interior Daylight scene. Lighting & Rendering of an Exterior Daylight and Interior Night scene.